School Vision Story Planning Sessions
Wednesday 16th November 3.30pm at school & 5:3-PM via zoom
These sessions are the next step in our community consultation for our new Strategic Plan 2023-2027.
You will hear an outline of the Strategic Plan based on the data from feedback from the School Vision Story focus groups held in Term 3. Then you can join a group that captures your interest, and we will capture the wonderful ideas and thoughts from our school community. All of our staff will be present on the Wednesday session to contribute their ideas.
Focus Groups for School Vision Story planning
Strengthening the Primary School
Developing the Middle Years School (Yr 7-9)
Financial sustainability
Strengthening the school community and connections
Establishing the Centre for Wisdom and Compassion
Please give this some thought and come along. It is so important for the Board to have input from out community for the first draft of our plan due before the end of this year.
Please RSVP to Rosie via email at and nominate which focus group you would like to give your input to.