Hello there

We’re reaching out and confirming you have registered with the Pathways to Prep program. Welcome to our learning community and our new transition program for 2025 students!

We currently have 7 children enrolled in the program and will keep you posted as our numbers increase. Our Foundation Year teacher Angelique is really excited to be building relationships and confidence with the children as she gives a gentle introduction to being a student at the Dharma School. Ange is creating a nurturing  program that is fun and inspiring and supports them with their experience of learning together. I’m sure you are aware that the Dharma School’s strong educational roots are founded in the wellbeing of our students. We know as educators that when a child is confident in their relationships, feels seen and heard with compassion, and has trust in their environment, that learning will flourish. Our approach is embedded in all aspects of our school and so your child will grow their understanding across Term 3 and 4 of school being a safe and welcoming place for them.

Commencing on Friday 19th July at 10am
Every fortnight we will bring this community of children together to spend from 10-11am in the Wisdom Garden classroom, building relationships and gathering their sense of being a learning family in a community that walks and talks their kindness and connectedness. Their classroom activities will be structured around purposeful play, problem solving and creative engagement that continues their sense of being a joyful, safe and curious learner. Our Pathway Preps group will experience awareness activities specific to their age, a nature connected pedagogy from our Bush School curriculum, and practice the caring way that we look after each other.

Having a Buddy as their special connection at school
Our Pathway community will be introduced to a special Buddy during Term 3. This will be another friendly and helpful person for them in the playground and the one who will greet them at the gateway in 2025 and support them during their Foundation Year journey. Their Buddy is their significant person who assists them with their learning, with developing social networks at school and may also accompany them on excursions. This creates a healthy ecology for the child to experience a sense of school community safety and belonging.

Our unique Awareness program – the Australian Dharma Curriculum
At our School, each day begins with an immersion to develop student Awareness, through our school’s Australian Dharma Curriculum. This important curriculum and scope of lessons is aligned to the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities and supports our teachers to guide the children to develop their understanding and practice of mindfulness, compassion, empathy, and universal responsibility. It is a key part of our social and emotional learning.

When the Pathways to Prep program commences it will begin with a mini introduction to Mindfulness – our whole school focus for that week. Initially students will learn to listen to the bell and take some mindful breaths. They will learn how our whole school stops to pause and breathe to the sound of the bell at each transition in class. This is a gentle way to introduce meditation and mindfulness as the foundation to develop across the years.

We feel so privileged to take part in this journey with your child that introduces them to their schooling years and into a very special family oriented community. It will be lovely to see you all together on the first day of the program.

Andrea Furness