Thank you to ALL of our amazing community of staff, parents, sound techs, stall holders, musicians and children who made our festival such a spirited and joyous day.
The beats were amazing, the BBQ sensational, the children had a ball (and some big boxes), the parents had a boogie, our stall holders were stoic in the wind and stayed for the count, helping to make it such a great festival by the fire. You all know who you are and how much you contributed and Thank You we say!
A special big hug to Rosie Berenyi-Mansell for holding the Festival coordination and the delicious baking, and Annshar Wolfs for her Dragon training skills. And Max and Ken for their sound system! And Joseph for his music support! And the Chai Mammas! And Miri for her famous BBQ, And Luke and Ebony for their Decor Trailer installations!
Our students held a gratitude circle the day after the Festival, and shared their insightful understanding of interdependence, and what it takes to bring the fun and the love to such an event. It was a most profound experience to witness their wisdom and openness – true gratitude opens the heart and frees us.
Thank you Dharma School students for your continued embodiment.
Fabulous Photography by Toby Hudson